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EMAPI establishes its policy of committing to quality:

Meet our customer needs

We are convinced that the success of our business is directly related to the needs of our customers. We focus to understand those needs, with the aim of providing a quality service that distinguishes us in the market.

Strive for excellence

We are constantly working on improving our products and production processes, focusing preventive action and establishing measurable quality objectives, with a view to achieving and maintaining market leadership Waterproofing and consolidate in the market of Paint and Coatings.


We offer our employees a stimulating work environment, and training them continuously. We promote effective teamwork at the workplace.


Through our environmental management, further strengthen and consolidate awareness of environmental protection, considering the design of training strategies, training, information and diffusion of environmental issues, assuming the commitment of all our processes remain immersed in this framework, and ensuring that all of us in EMAPI, customers, suppliers and the entire community are recipients of this clear effort.


The company believes that to achieve the scope of the goals and objectives, plays a key role communication in all its facets. We aim a system of communication with our customers, suppliers and employees to interpret and participate in our management philosophy.
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