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14 MAY 2015

Complementary products

To achieve an excellent waterproofing it is not enough just to place a quality membrane on the surface to be treated; It is indispensable to use complementary products.According to IRAM 12627, to achieve an effective waterproofing it is imperative to prime the surface with a MACA P (solvent base) or NOVASFALT ANR-5 (water-based) asphalt paint, before applying any asphalt membrane. The use of MACA AL (aluminized asphalt paint) is also essential to protect the exposed asphalt resulting from the bonding of the membrane.

MACA P: Special asphalt fast drying paint. It is used previously to the placement of membranes; Of hydrophobic nature, is also used on iron structures, silos, poles, etc.

NOVASFALT ANR-5: Asphalt waterproofing agent for cold application. It is used previously to the placement of membranes, waterproofing of ceilings and as vapor barrier.

MACA AL: Aluminized asphalt paint. Provides a water repellent film, formulated to protect asphaltic ceilings and overlaps between membranes with aluminum.

OXIFLEX: Hot application oxidized asphalt. Formulated for use in hot waterproofing systems, adhesion of membranes and taken from joints of rigid and articulated pavements.

FITAFLEX: Multipurpose self-adhesive membrane. Waterproofs small surfaces. Provides reinforcement, protection and termination. Membrane repair and maintenance is possible.

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